Friday, November 2, 2007

Weight Loss The Natural Way

It may seem controversial, but the best way to lose weight is to stop dieting. No this is not a typo or anything like that. It is not hocus-pocus or any new fad diet. It is basic common sense. Stop dieting and you lose weight. But there is a twist.
The reasons why we do not get satisfactory results despite diet after diet are myriad but i will go over a few
Dieting may result in weight loss but do you actually achieve fat loss: You find a great diet, you go on it, you eat hardly enough to keep a bird alive and certainly not enough to stay healthy and presto! you lose weight. Congratulations, put out a press report, give yourself a big pat on the back... or maybe not. If you examine the weight you have so successfully lost, you will find that most of it is, body water, lean muscle mass, and very little fat. Hey! Not so great after all.
Dieting is just not sustainable in the long term: One day you just have got to eat! It is human nature. What happens when you go on a diet is your BMR, the rate at which you burn energy, goes down. When you eventually start eating again, your BMR remains low, so a larger proportion of the food you just ate is stored as the terrible F word, FAT
Dieting involves dramatic changes to your lifestyle which may be unworkable: Most of us have very busy lifestyles and the thought of spending 30 minutes preparing that special no carbs, no calorie, no taste, no food meal, day in day out, just does not cut it. especially after a long day at the office. And what about food while you are at work, and on holiday, and dinning out with friends and a hundred other scenarios where your specially new diet is just not catered for.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying all diets are bad. Some of them work. But lets face it, if your diet or diets were working, you would not be reading this now
What I say to you is stop dieting and start implementing simple lifestyle changes that will take you closer to your weight loss goals, one step at a time.
This is the true secret of weight loss. Make little, sustainable changes here and there and focus on long term sustainable weight loss.
Have a long term plan and work towards it.
The steps you take must be activities that either
Increase the amount of exercise you get: Examples include have a 20 minute brisk walk every other day. You can slowly build this up to a brisk walk every day. As you get more fit and start to lose weight you can easily build this up to jogging or running, eventually
Decrease the amount of calories you take in: For example if you usually take two sugars in your coffee, first reduce it to one sugar then over a period of time you can get rid of the sugar all together.
Remember every journey starts with one little step
Abi Noah
More fat loss tips fat loss tips at, a genuine fat loss guide
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